Friday 16 March 2012

Nilachale Mahaprabhu


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Director: Kartik Chattopadhyay
Music: Rai Chand Boral
Main Cast: Ahindra Choudhury, Bhanu Bandyopadhyay, Nripati Chattyopadhyay, Asim Kumar...  
Genre: Biographical, Devotional
Release: 1957
imdb: tt0158022

B&W. 15 Reel. 35mm.

Producers- Uday Cinema Pratisthan Pvt. Ltd.

Story Writer,Script Writer- Nripendrakrishna ChattyapadhyayDirector- Kartik Chattyapadhyay Photography- Amulya Mukhopadhyay Art- satyen Raychowdhury Ed- Haridas Mahalanabis

Lyr- Pranab Ray, Baishnab Mahalanabis Mus- Raichand Boral Plb- Dunichand Boral, Sandhya Mukhopadhyay, Pratima Bandyapadhyay, Chhabi Bandyapadhyay, Dhananjoy Bhattyacharya, Manabendra Mukhopadhyay

Cast- Ahindra Chowdhury, Asim Kumar, Dipti Ray, Dhiraj Bhattyacharya, Nitish Mukhopadhyay, Gurudas Bandyapadhyay, Sumitra Debi, Molina Debi, Padma Debi, Sikharani Bag, Jnanada Kakuti, Suruchi Sengupta, Kanu Bandopadhyay, Bhanu Bandyapadhyay, Amar Mullik, Sisir Batabyal, Harimohan Bose, Shyam Laha, Haridhan mukhopadhyay, Krishnadhan Mukhopadhyay, Nripati Chattyapadhyay, Parijat Bose, Moni Srimani, Samir Majumdar, Master Tilak, Chhabi Biswas Distributors- Movie Maya Pvt. Ltd.

Released on 28.6.57 at Rupabani, Aruna, Bharati

Movie: Sankirtana Movement or Hare Krishna Movement, Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu lived approximately 18 years in Nilachal, Jagannath Puri, between the years 1510 and 1534 during the reign of Gajapati Prataparudra Maharaj, the King of Orissa. This film, made in Bengal, India, in 1959, though historically not fully accurate, is an effective dramatic and devotional presentation of the Lord's activities.

“Lord Chaitanya was born on February 27, 1486, at a time when India was suffering from rampant hedonism, spiritual stagnation, strict caste stratification, the prominence of logic over mystic experience, and domination by Islamic rulers. Socially, morally, spiritually, politically, and intellectually there was need for change.

In Kali-yuga, the current age, the dharma is nama-sankirtana, the chanting of the holy names of the Lord. To distribute the yuga-dharma, the Lord descends in each yuga. In Kali-yuga, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appeared to spread nama-sankirtana. Apart from the function of spreading the yuga- dharma, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu came to expose the world to the highest aspects of spiritual love (prema), which manifest in relation (rasa) to Krishna in His original form in Vrindavana.

The highest expression of rasa is the conjugal rasa in parakiya. The ideal person in this relationship is Radha. While other Vaishnava lineages worship Krishna, the unique contribution of Lord Chaitanya is His detailed exposition of the higher modes of rasa, which He personified by acting as a devotee of the Lord, experiencing pure love in the mood of Radha. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu gave a complete revelation of God, love for the souls, and the souls love for God. This is unparalleled in any movement or any religion.

How are we to attain this high stage of love? Chaitanya Mahaprabhu wanted that greatest treasure to be given out to as many people as possible. Therefore He has also taught a process, the simplest and most direct process: nama- sankirtana. Chanting the names of Krishna does not require any qualification except faith. Birth, caste, race, country, profes-sion, and education are not considerations in chanting God’s names. The only requirement is a sincere acceptance of one’s own position as the servant, offering service out of selfless love to the most attractive, deserving object: Krishna. Adherence to chanting in a pure manner leads directly to the highest goal, pure love of Krishna.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's movement therefore presents a complete picture of intimate loving relationships with God, a philosophy consistent with direct statements of scripture to support those relationships, and a simple, practical process to realize them.

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